Monday, February 4, 2008

Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Have you ever heard the bagpipes? Not just on a recording, but in person? And most especially up close?

There is a sort of vague impression of the bagpipes as meloncholy because come evening the noise can be heard drifting in over the hills and glens.

Yeah, it drifts over hill and glen because they are friggin' loud. Jet airplane loud. Punk Rock show loud. Angry Irish wife loud.


The story behind this is my first upclose and personal with the 'pipes. Backstory? Of course.

One friday night about two weeks ago, as is the custom in the wretched hive of scum and villiany (otherwise known as Kitchner House) we had gathered in the upstairs kitchen for an evening of light entertainment. Pepsi and Orange juice were consumed, along with pate and french bread (one of the simplest and best meals I've had in long time.) Anyway, round about that magical time of night when its more morning than night but you just can't bring yourself to admit it, we were listening to Scottish music (you HAVEN'T heard I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) until you've heard "I will walk 500 miles" bellowed by about ten very proud Scotsmen.) One of the lads tapped me on the shoulder and said (well, bellowed) "Ross'll be coming in with the bagpipes in a second!" Being extremely...tired at this point, I assumed he meant that the song had a piping bit.

About twenty seconds later, the kitchen door swings open to reveal Ross, whose name, in a flash of brilliance, extrapolated from the set of pipes almost the same size as him. At this point, all the Americans let out a collective gasp of wonder and joy. The pipes were tuned (a ghastly noise) and then Ross lit into "scotland the brave." (a modern version can be heard here- )

Pipers are impressive in the open air. In a 20x10 kitchen at 4:30 in the AbygodM they are...mindshattering. "Loud 'n proud 'n bowld" as the Scots saying goes.

Which all goes by way of saying One) if anyone offers to pipe for you, open a window lest you end up bleeding from the ears. Two) Bagpipes are awesome, and Three) I found a set of miniature pipes I might send home to my baby sister.

That ok with you, mom?

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